Research & Publications
My research is rooted in the pursuit of liberation and equity, focusing on the intersections of social justice and mental health. I delve into areas such as racial justice, abolitionist practices, and the integration of these principles into clinical settings. Through my ongoing projects and collaborations, I am committed to advancing knowledge that challenges the status quo and promotes transformative change within both academic and community contexts.
Academic Journal Publications
Embedding Social Justice into Clinical Practice: A Framework for Early Career Social Workers (2024)
Massey, M.J., Sims, K. & Yearwood, C.
Clinical Social Work Journal
Dismantling White Supremacy in Social Work Education (2021)
Yearwood, C., Barbera, R. A., Fisher, A. K., & Hostetter, C.
Advances in Social Work Journal, 21(2/3), i–vii
Recorded Conference Presentations
Practicing Connected in Community (2024, February)
Yearwood, C. & Warden, M.
UW-Madison Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work’s Social Workers Confronting Racial Injustice Conference
The Importance of Racial Justice and Liberatory Practice: What We Do and Why We Do It [Plenary] (2024, February)
Cohen, S. & Yearwood, C.
UW-Madison Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work’s Social Workers Confronting Racial Injustice Conference
Critical Feminism & Anti-Blackness: Implications for Social Work [panel discussion] (2022, November)
Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work for Critical Feminist Social Work Roundtable
Building the Skills of Imagination for an Anti-Racist Future (2021, April)
Yearwood, C. & Davis, C.
University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work Justice Symposium
Why It’s Hard to Talk About Race (2021, October)
Cohen, S. & Yearwood, C.
University of Buffalo School of Social Work Global to Local Speaker Series
Podcasts & Other Presentations
Addressing Racism in Social Work Licensing #StopASWB (2022, August)
Yearwood, C., Walker., C. & Dettlaff, A.
Doin’ The Work: Frontline Stories of Social Change
Purpose Driven Leadership (2022, February)
Yearwood, C.
Foellinger Foundation
Black Social Workers Speak Out About Social Work Education (September 2020)
Yearwood, C. (guest host)
Doin’ The Work: Frontline Stories of Social Change
White Supremacy in Social Work Education (March 2020)
Yearwood, C. & Hoge, L.
Doin’ The Work: Frontline Stories of Social Change